Attention for accesibility at the Dutch Leisure trade expo Hardenberg 2021

The Dutch network on accesibility and leisure (Netwerk Toegankelijke Recreatie) is participating in the “Recreatievakbeurs Hardenberg 16-17-18 of november  2021″(Leisure Trade expo) . As an active member of the network I’ll be present on thursday 18the and will facilitate together with colleagues with a disability (ervaringsdeskundigen) a workshop about accesibility for leisure entrepeneurs like owners of campings, atraction parks, hotels, resorts etc.


Cool, SpelenMaaR spring break

SpelenMaaR inside winter edition

An immediately playable and inclusive Christmas gift for you

Freshmen from the Johannes Fontanus Technasium in Baraneveld designed an inclusive play ground

Nüdel Kart

Conference outdoor play in Wageningen

Watch the video of the SamenSpeelUitjes (Inclusive PLay Events)

SamenSpeelUitjes (Inclusive Play Events) spring 2023

Workshop Inclusive play municipalities West Brabant West

Discovering your talent with the Nüdel Kart


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