Posts by Ilse
Workshop Inclusive play municipalities West Brabant West
At the invitation of the municipality of Halderbergen, Suzanne van Ginneken of Speelnatuur and Ilse van der Put of Empowerment by Playing jointly conducted a workshop on Inclusive Playing. Participants were play and public space officials from the West Brabant West municipalities of Rucphen, Zundert, Roosendaal, Moerdijk and Halderbergen. Etten-Leur unfortunately could not attend. The…
Read MoreDiscovering your talent with the Nüdel Kart
The children’s mayor Renkum 2021-2022 Aline Huijgen, wanted to end her period as mayor with a Talent Market for all children of Renkum. At the talent market the children were able to make music, dance, sing, cook and play with the Nüdel Kart in 50-minute workshops. It was the first time for Empowerment by Playing…
Read MoreStarter kit “public inclusive playground”ready for use
Starter kit “public inclusive play ground” ready for use. After a long preparation I can now proudly say that the Starter Kit “public inclusive playground” is ready for use! The starter kit consists of a very inspiring and fun excursion to the Ettegerpark playground in Zutphen and 6 online training modules. You can do the…
Read MoreEbP was present at the Child in the city world conference Dublin 2022
Ilse gave a presentation on inclusive play and the “Samenspeelakkoord”at the Child in the city world conference 2022 in Dublin last week Read an interview with Ilse here. Child in the City World Conference Dublin: Meet…Ilse van der Put – Child in the City
Read MoreNüdel Inventors at the school olympiad
As many as 25 Wageningen providers of sports and culture participated in the Sam School Olympiad by providing clinics. The SpelenmaaR Nüdel Kart was one of the clinics. Almost 1000 children (9-12 years old) from all 13 Wageningen elementary schools participated in the Olympiad. In four rounds, the children were introduced to various sports and…
Read MoreNüdel Kart try out at the playground in Wageningen
Today we pushed the Nüdel Kart in a small SpelenmaaR parade to playground Tuindorp. The cart can be stored safely and dry this winter in the building of the playground . Super nice, such a cart in the living room does take up a lot of space :-) and , now children, accompanied by SpelenmaaR,…
Read MoreDiscover an invisibly inclusive playground on Sept. 28 or Oct. 21!
Invisibly inclusive? What is that? In my workshops on inclusive play, people often ask me “I’d like to see a real inclusive play ground. Where can I find one?” The Netherlands now has a number of cool inclusive playground. Proudly in the top three for me is the Ettegerpark in Zutphen. It is a park…
Read MoreEmpowerment by Playing has won a Nüdel kart!
Empowerment by Playing has won a Nüdel kart! “Fine” you may be thinking, “a ticket to eat free noodles for a year?” No, much, much more fun than that :-). A Nüdel Kart is a mobile inclusive playground! The kart is a cart made up of more than 350 individual parts; sticks, boards, cloths, wheels…
Read MoreOnWheels 2022
What is the difference between a wheelchair and a skateboard? For children, they both have wheels and so you can ride them and do cool tricks. OnWheels is a pop – up skatepark for kids with wheels. Be it skates, a skateboard or a wheelchair. Anyone can join in. Expert trainers from the WheelChairSkillsTeam and…
Read MoreSpelenmaaR XL!!
Sunday, August 28 is the exciting play finals of the KinderCultuurZomer 2022 in the Torckpark! The children will make their own play finals with stuff from both SpelenmaaR and Emmaus-Wageningen. A lot of children and (grand)parents in Wageningen got t know SpelenmaaR this summer. SpelenmaaR is an inclusive pop-up loose-parts playground. Wherever SpelenmaaR pops up,…
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